Madonna in concert

Yes Madonna is coming to Greece, but that doesn’t mean much if you miss the details. The concert at least won’t have Kylie Minogue’s luck. Notrbecause Madonna comes here with her best album ( I prefer X to Hard Candy). Nor because Madonna is not at her highest right now (no comparison with the hyper-hit of Confessions). The success will be because:

The concert is on Saturday, so no work day. The pop crowd we ll have the chance to rest a day before and a day to rest after.

The Olympic stadium is in Athens

You can go there with the metro so no parking

A stadium has no grass and soil on the floor, just sticky plastic from the beers. I ve been there.

So now that there are no excuses the pop crowd has to be there. And I m sorry but 16.000 – 20.000 people for Madonna the first time in Greece is no success. We aim for the top!

And let’s hope that she will transform her boring Hard Candy song, like she did here with Erotica